Relevant to this request, please consider adding an option to edit the gas limit for a transaction. Some dApps fail to provide accurate gas limit suggestions when preforming more sophisticated txs and being able to manually edit the gas limit would be a welcomed addition for your advanced users. Feel free to add a toggle in the settings to activate this feature in order to protect newer users.
Merged in a post:
Change default gas price on Polygon
Being able to set a default gas price on Polygon, by default is 30gwei and it would be nice if you can change that for another default gas price.
This is the 1 missing feature that is stopping me from using Frame as my main wallet. Metamask's new gas UI has an "Advanced" setting that can remember a specific gas value (for both max fee and priority fee). This is very useful in gas was where you need to send the tx as soon as possible, so having the gas price set from before is very useful. It is also important that this "Advanced" setting can be set as default. That way you don't have to click anything else than "sign" to send the tx. Also some presets "Low", "Market", "Aggressive" would be nice to have. Avoid using drop-downs if possible as that takes an extra click which takes precious time.
Allen chen
something like this quick setting
Blue (💙,🧡)
Allen chen: nice one!
Allen chen: This would be useful
epic village
This is important in my opinion as many times when your using DEX changing the gas manually takes up too much time
Let's generalize this and say that to some degree programmable gas would be best. I would imagine different profiles, to say set BASEFEE up or down a couple of percentages, and also priority fee based on the BASEFEE as in BASEFEE*% + K
chen tian chuin
Preset gas, or a fixed addition on suggested fee will be very useful
It is not a default, it is the "suggested". You can change for it transaction.
However, that being said, it seems that it does not properly update with market conditions because sometimes it should be higher according to some gas estimation websites. Also sometimes the recommended is below 30 gwei and below the current minimum gas price Polygon has set, so it can be frustrating (shouldn't be below that minimum ever).
Noticed that the estimations for Polygon have been vastly improved!!! Thanks team!!!